Friday 10 June 2022 - 03:53

International Atomic Energy Agency under Israeli Control: Iranian Official

Story Code : 998588
International Atomic Energy Agency under Israeli Control: Iranian Official
Mohammad Eslami, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran was speaking on Iranian state television on Thursday evening about the latest developments in Iran's peaceful nuclear program and its relations with the International Atomic Energy Agency and the latest resolution of the IAEA Board of Governors.

Eslami said, "It is unfortunate that an international institution like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been exploited by an illegitimate regime and its reputation has been damaged."

Referring to Iran's adherence to its obligations under the nuclear deal 2015, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA),  he said, "All of Iran's commitments under the JCPOA are contrary to IAEA rules. But why did we accept and limit ourselves? Just to clear the charges against Iran, but our good faith is not taken into account."

"We have started installing new machines at our nuclear facilities, but we do not intend to take any adventurous action," he stated.

Eslami went on to say, "For the first time, we have presented our CPF and program to the Agency, and according to the IAEA charter, the international body has a duty to provide us with technical, educational, etc. support, but the IAEA and other international institutions have been under Israeli control."

"We ended our good faith by removing a number of IAEA cameras at our nuclear facilities, which numbered about 18. The rest of the agency's cameras will be removed tonight. IAEA inspectors visited Jaber Ibn Hayan Research Laboratories every three months. They closed the case there, but today they are making claims about it again. From now on, we accept the inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency within the framework of the Agency's regulations," the AEOI head added.

The Iranian top nuclear official said, "For the past twenty years, the West has sought to halt Iran's peaceful nuclear program by psychological operations, sanctions, and resolutions against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Why did Iran accept the JCPOA? Iran accepted the JCPOA to build trust. Iran even agreed to slow down its nuclear program."

He reiterated, "Iran's nuclear achievements are the product of a strong and powerful scientific, research and industrial current."

Eslami said, "Some may ask why we do not buy radiopharmaceuticals, I say if someone can, go and buy radiopharmaceuticals. Westerners do not sell us radiopharmaceuticals."

"France, which plays the role of a bad cop in the nuclear negotiations, took $ 1 billion from Iran for nuclear investment before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, but never repaid it," added Eslami.

He emphasized, "We can never trust America and Europe. If they return to their commitments, we will fulfill our obligations."

"Our research and development activities are eight years ahead of schedule," Eslami con concluded, referring to the efforts of Iranian scientists.