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The Al-Quds Brigades Annihilated the Forces of a Zionist Unit

2 Jul 2024 02:06

Islam Times - In a special operation, the Al-Quds Brigades (Saraya al-Quds) eliminated an entire unit of the occupying army in the eastern Gaza Strip.

According to the report, the Al-Quds Brigades (Saraya al-Quds), the military wing of Islamic Jihad, announced that in a special operation, they eliminated an entire unit of occupying forces in the Shujaiya neighborhood in eastern Gaza Strip.

The military wing of Islamic Jihad provided details of the operation, stating: "Our fighters in Shujaiya lured a complete Zionist unit into a building that had been rigged with explosives. Once the occupying soldiers entered, the building was detonated, resulting in the death of all the Zionist soldiers."

The Al-Quds Brigades released images of the operation, highlighting that the building had been rigged with an unexploded Israeli F-16 missile that had been fired at Gaza. They added that this unexploded F-16 missile had been repurposed by resistance engineers.

Story Code: 1145140

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Islam Times