Sunday 30 June 2024 - 09:23

Biden Admits to Presidential Debate Malperformance

Story Code : 1144765
Biden Admits to Presidential Debate Malperformance
"I didn’t have a great night but neither did Trump," the White House’s press service quoted the president as saying.

However, he said that the Democrats would win the November election anyway, TASS reported.

Atlanta hosted the first-ever televised election debate between a sitting president and a former president in US history. Biden and Trump were not allowed to have talking points on them.

The US will hold a presidential election on November 5. Former US leader Donald Trump has already garnered the necessary number of primary votes to clinch the Republican nomination. Incumbent US President Joe Biden, running for re-election, won Democratic primaries in New Jersey and Washington, DC, in some of the last contests earlier this month.