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Yemeni, Iraqi Resistance Forces Launch Joint Attacks on Ships Linked to Israel

29 Jun 2024 10:54

Islam Times - Yemeni armed forces, in coordination with Iraqi resistance fighters, executed multiple military operations on Friday targeting ships associated with the Israeli regime.

A statement from the Yemeni armed forces confirmed the operations were conducted in support of the Palestinian people and as retaliation for Israel’s aggressions in Gaza.

"Our Armed Forces carried out several qualitative military operations, including a joint operation with the Islamic resistance in Iraq targeting the oil tanker 'Waler' in the Mediterranean Sea with a number of drones," the statement said.

"It was on its way to the port of Haifa, and the ship was targeted for violating the ban on entering the ports of occupied Palestine," it continued.

The statement added, "The missile force and naval forces executed a military operation targeting the American ship 'Delonix' in the Red Sea with several ballistic missiles. The operation resulted in the ship being directly hit by Allah's grace."

The Yemeni armed forces also stated they "conducted an operation targeting the ship 'Johannes Maersk' in the Mediterranean Sea with a cruise missile, successfully achieving its goal by Allah's grace."

"This ship belongs to the 'Maersk' company, which is one of the most supportive companies for the Zionist entity," the statement noted.

Simultaneously, another military operation by the naval forces in the Red Sea targeted the ship 'Loannis' with several drones for violating the ban on entering the ports of occupied Palestine. The ship was directly hit by Allah's grace.

Yemen has openly supported Palestine's struggle against Israel since the regime launched its campaign in Gaza on October 7.

The Yemeni Armed Forces declared they would continue their attacks until Israel halts its ground and aerial offensives.

"The Yemeni Armed Forces will continue, with Allah's help, to carry out their religious, moral, and humanitarian duties on behalf of the great Yemeni people and all the free people of the nation in support of Palestine and in victory for its struggling people and brave resistance," the statement read.

"The military operations will not stop except with the cessation of aggression and the lifting of the siege on the Palestinian people in Gaza," they warned.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq also issued a statement confirming their cooperation with the Yemeni Armed Forces in targeting the oil tanker 'Waler' in the Mediterranean Sea using several drones.

Abdul Malik al-Houthi, leader of the Ansarullah resistance movement, stated it is "a great honor and blessing to be confronting America directly."

These attacks have prompted some of the world’s largest shipping and oil companies to reroute their transit around the continent of Africa instead of passing through the Suez Canal.

Additionally, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq has been launching attacks on Israeli targets since the start of the conflict in Gaza.

The Israeli regime's offensive has resulted in the deaths of at least 37,765 Palestinians, with over 86,429 injured and thousands more missing and presumed dead under rubble. More than 1.7 million people have been internally displaced.

Story Code: 1144582

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