Saturday 29 June 2024 - 10:22

Iran, Russia FMs Discuss “Israeli” Threats against Lebanon

Story Code : 1144568
Iran, Russia FMs Discuss “Israeli” Threats against Lebanon
In a telephone conversation with Kani on Friday night, Lavrov said that his country seeks to prevent an “Israeli” entity attack on Lebanon and emphasized the responsibility of all parties in that regard.

The Iranian acting foreign minister, in turn, emphasized the readiness of Lebanon's resistance for any possible aggression by the Zionists against Lebanon.

He said that the Lebanese Resistance can stop the continuation of the Zionist entity’s crimes and prevent the spread of tension to Lebanon which is important for the entire region and international stability as there is the possibility of the crisis spreading to other parts of the region.

Bagheri Kani expressed hope that the administrative process and legal formalities of finalizing important documents that are on the agenda of the two nations, especially the comprehensive strategic partnership agreement and cooperation agreements in the fields of gas and transit between the two sides, will be completed as soon as possible.