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Sayyed Nasrallah To the Iranian People: Your Path Determine the Destinies of Entire Region

28 Jun 2024 02:57

Islam Times - Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah offered condolences to the Iranian people and leadership particularly Imam Khamanei over the demise of late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

Sayyed Nasrallah once again extended his condolences to the Iranian people and leadership, particularly Leader of the Islamic Revolution His Eminence Imam Ali Khamenei, marking the forty days since the demise of the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

His Eminence emphasized the importance of transforming threats into opportunities. Despite facing major incidents and the loss of leaders, these threats have been turned into opportunities. He stated, "This blood brought about a renaissance as well as a new life."

The Hezbollah Chief commended the Iranian people for their dignified response and presence following the incident, noting that the general calm in Iran is a testament to their pride. He remarked, "The Iranian people, through their direct presence and response to the incident and the general calm in Iran, proved their pride and this resembles an example for the whole world."

Sayyed Nasrallah noted that the enemies have observed Iran's stability, calm and unity.

His Eminence highlighted the significance of the million-strong funeral held for the late Iranian president in various cities, stating, "The million-funeral held for late President Raisi in various cities was a strong message to the friend and enemy that this people is characterized by a high degree of insight and loyalty."

Furthermore, Sayyed Nasrallah praised President Raisi's leadership skills and his extensive support for the resistance front.

The Resistance Leader observed that "the Islamic Republic of Iran has continued its path normally following this incident".

To the Iranian people, Sayyed Nasrallah sent a message: “It is your path, your presence and your endurance that determine the destinies of the entire region.”

Story Code: 1144283

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