Saturday 11 November 2023 - 21:56

Diplomat Slams Western Accusations of Russia-DPRK Military Cooperation as Groundless

Story Code : 1095042
Diplomat Slams Western Accusations of Russia-DPRK Military Cooperation as Groundless
"The accusations of an `illegal’ military-technical cooperation between Russia and North Korea, being made by the collective West, are groundless and unsubstantiated," the Russian diplomat said in a comment, TASS reported.

Russia "implements its international obligations, including (UN) Security Council resolutions, in a responsible manner," Zakharova insisted. "And this does not preclude us from developing a long-standing traditional relationship of friendship and cooperation with our neighbors, including the DPRK," she emphasized.

In turn, she accused the United States and its satellites of violating international law norms and UNSC resolutions as "they are pumping the criminal Kiev regime with weapons thus contributing to continued bloodshed."

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov dismissed as rumors Washington’s claims that Pyongyang has been sending military assistance to Moscow. On October 26, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov refused to comment on reports about alleged arms deliveries to Russia from North Korea as he said that "there are many such reports, they are all, as a rule, groundless, there are no specifics there".